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Either as an employer, employee, student, self-employed, or stay at home worker, daily you are in contact with harmful organisms, and toxins that pose a threat to your wellbeing.

Detoxification is the cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out, by removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients. Our body has a natural detoxification system that functions to clear these toxins, but you can increase its efficiency by timely nutritional and lifestyle changes.

These toxins are in your water, food, and the air you breathe; it’s tough trying to get away from them, but you can have a defense against them. They include metals, chemicals, pollutants, artificial food additives, pesticides, and herbicides.


§  You frequently feel tired and stressed.
§  You experience unexplained headaches, mental confusion, and lack of enthusiasm.
§  You repetitively feel colds and contract infections.
§   You have puffy eyes and distress sleeping.
§  You’re not at your ideal weight and experience irregular menstrual cycle
§  You have allergic breakouts and blemishes.
§  You’re exposed to common environmental toxins via smokes, household chemicals (perfumes, shampoos, paints, etc.
§  You consume a high amount of fried foods, fast and processed foods
§  You always have irregular stomach bloating, indigestion, and difficulty in defecating.
 If you experience any three or more signs above, a detox is sure needed.


Having known the signs to watch out for, don’t you think you owe it to yourself to purify your body? Here are wellness cues on how to cleanse, balance, and energize your body.

§  Increase your Water Intake. Your body basal function is driven by water, hence you can see it as the most valuable tool for detoxifying your body; we are advised to consume a minimum of 3-5 liters of water daily to aid its detoxifying function. Water first in the morning and last at night.
§  Decide to Eat Rightly. Choose to eat freshly cooked meals with organic fruits and vegetables over-processed, fast food, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars, and saturated fats.
§  Diet. Detoxifying your body is not only about what you avoid, but also about what you consume. Fasting and adding natural foods like fiber foods, garlic, vegetable stews, cabbage, lemon, bitter leaf, broccoli and drinking green tea is vital in detoxification.
§  Exercise. Develop an exercise and meditation routine to help you sweat out, release toxins through your skin pores, improve your mental attitude positively, and boost your body energy levels.
§  Keep the Environments Air Clean. You can’t control the air in the environment you move in, but you can control the air in your home to reduce the number of smoke fumes, mold, mildew, and other microorganisms that are dangerous to your health.
§  Visit a Spa. The use of natural green herbs, brushing and oiling of your skin helps your skin peel off old cells and dirt, unclog skin pores to allowing the skin to perspire freely, which in turn stimulates cellular rejuvenation and slows aging.
§  Body Detox Packs. There are nutritional packs that offer a complete body detox, it is a step-by-step process of drinking health products that focuses on cleansing organs of the excretory systems (lungs, colon, skin, liver, and kidneys) of harmful organisms, chemicals, and toxic metals. Consult your doctor before using any health detox packs.


§  It protects you from disease and refuels your body to maintain optimum health
§  Helps your body organs rest through fasting
§  Promotes the ease of elimination of body wastes from the excretory system.
§  Improves blood flow and mental alertness.
§  It provides your body with healthy nutrients that protect against free radicals, strengthening the immune system.

The source of many health problems is the toxins that have built up in our bodies over the years; to stay healthy and enjoy total wellbeing, DETOX.

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