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If you were born in Nigeria like me, at a point in your childhood, you would have sung the song! agbalumo sweet o! Sweet o sweet o!
If you haven't, now is the time.

Cherry, the African star apple also know as agbalumo, udara in yoruba, and Igbo dialect respectively.

It is both delicious and nutrient-packed fruit offered to us by nature.

Here are some of its fantastic health benefits.

1. Rich in vitamin C: Cherry contains high Vitamin C content, an important vitamin need to maintain your body optimal function.
A 100g of the fruit gives about 25mg of vitamin C.

2. Bone & Cartilage Health: From the prevention of mouth gum disease to the tackling of toothache as well as sore throat, vitamin C prevents scurvy and arthritis.

3. Anticancer Agent and Immune Booster: a readily available source of anti-oxidants, which help strengthen the immune system and prevent the damages caused by free radicals that can lead to cancer.

4. Good for expecting mothers: The acidic taste of cherry help balance stomach acid and prevent the urge of vomiting during pregnancy.

5. Weight Management: A good source of fructose. Studies have shown that a fruit serving gives 67 calorie, and thus aid in maintaining weight to prevent obesity and diabetes.

6. Improves your Digestive Health: It's rich ascorbic acid and fibre content, is a natural remedy for health conditions such as constipation, sore throat, and indigestion.

My dear client, So when next you come across the African star apple screaming eat meπŸ’ make sure you don't just pass it by, rather get some to nourish you; as It blooms between December and April. πŸ‘

Hosanna Oyibo

#health #fruits #healthcoaching #antioxidants #vitaminC #immunehealth #eatgood #feelbetter #wellnesscues

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