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So today, i will be sharing with you my review from John C. Maxwell book on leadership development 

Book Title - How Successful People Lead

Author - John. C. Maxwell 

The Author began by stating the importance of leadership in achieving personal and organisation success in life.
Leadership is about dealing with people and their dynamic nature and the goal of it is to create change and facilitate growth.

To achieve this goal, you must grow and lead through five different levels.

People follow you because of your positional appointment. A major downside of this level is that it places rights over responsibilities; Its a good place to start but not to occupy.

At this level, people follow you because the like and trust you. You begin to gain influence because you value and have relationship with your followers.
The downside of this leadership level is that you cab be taken advantage of! because of your openness.

Leading at this level gets interesting because people follow you because of what you have done for the organization.
Your credibility and Influence gets bigger and one must be ready to carry the heavy weight of delivery results in every projects lead.

The joy of every successful leader us to produce other successful leaders, and this is attained at this level of leadership.
Here, good leaders invest their time, money, energy and thought into growing others as leaders; people follow you more because of what you have done for them.
The terrible downsides at this level, is being self centeredness and insecure; this you want to control and not develop people.

Pinnacle leaders stand out! As they have accomplished the task of developing other Leaders to Level 4. They have built a Legacy! their influence surpasses the organization and industries they work in.
The dangerous downside at this level is that it can make you think you have arrived and you loose focus.

I wrap up my review with this: Self knowledge is foundation to effective leading; no matter where you are right now, decide what kind of leader you want to be and keep learning to be the best.

Yours in Progress,
Hosanna Oyibo


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